BC Supply Chain


The British Columbia (BC) Ministry of Agriculture 2005 report Agriculture at a Glance has a diagram showing how $ 6 billion of food becomes another $ 33.4 billion of economic activity. This is where the economic multiplier figure of 5X comes from : Food Product JOBS JOBS Economic Multiplier Effect IMPORTS $ 3.8 Billion 0 26,862 Processing $ 6.6 B Domestic $ 2.3 Billion 34,700 13,200 Warehousing & Transport $ 9.7 B $ 6.1 Billion becomes 213,545 Retail $17.1 B Every year agri-food in BC generates $ 39 billion in economic activity and supports 288,307 JOBS. Research from northern Ontario, Canada found that the economic multiplier of local food was between $ 2. to 3.50. This shows the tremendous economic development benefits that local certified organic vegetable and fruit fresh crops and regional food processing can provide. Here is a list of other AGRI-FOOD FACT sheets that will be developed and posted on this site. The goal is to promote certified organic agri-food as a replacement engine of growth, at the local level, to more destructive paths like increasing Tar Sands development which subtract from Canada’s economy by inflating the Canuck Petro-Buck and killing all other exports. Canada has lost 100,000’s of manufacturing jobs since May 2012 to be replaced by low paid jobs. The economic multiplier effect of certified organic local agri-food is far superior to more Tar Sands or the present industrial system of GMO contaminated and Export focused agri-food where farms are losing money. A What do Canadians eat and how does this affect building food security and health ? B A review of studies on available land in BC and what is needed to feed one person for a year? C Excerpts from 2011 Farm Census – impact on building food security D How much do you spend a week on food and what do you buy ( food group balancing ) E CHEAP FOOD IS KILLING US AND DESTROYING THE FARM SECTOR IN CANADA F Economic Impact of AGRI FOOD in the Canadian Economy G H I
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