BioRegionNEWS Eagle Creek Farms
This certified organic farm went through the process of transition from conventional. This means a change in farming practices and especially the materials used for growing vegetables. The image above is from their website and show how dark and rich looking their soil is. These fields can produce nutrient dense yields without the need for expensive chemicals.
Most certified organic farms in BC are small (1-2 acres) and grow vegetables for direct sale to consumers. The certified organic farms here in Alberta seem to be larger although there are smaller urban farms as well. The potential here is tremendous. The general public has not realized this, yet. The field pictured above is being worked with machines. Many BC small organic farms use hand tools or small machines eg roto-tiller, but not tractors and long rows as shown above.
This kind of vegetable farm could provide key strategic vegetables like onions, cabbage, carrots, garlic, beets; and more for sale to local consumers. Farmers make more money when they sell directly to consumers. Vegetable food self reliance in Alberta is extremely low, maybe only single digits as there is less land in Vegetables than in BC. BC only has 13% vegetable food self reliance (grow the vegetables people actually eat). This certified organic farm looks like it could really help Alberta become more self reliant in key vegetables.
Eagle Creek Farms has been operating since 1921, with generations of the same family. Farm kids make the best farmers and ranchers, in my experience. I am looking forward to seeing if we can buy directly from this grower through the farmer owned co-op YYC Growers and Distributors.