Love Grows Wild ranch uses intensive rotational grazing practices (captures the most carbon) to grass finish their animals. They are young operators and the meat products for sale at Hillhurst farmer’s market are exceptionally good. It is rare to get grass finished meat in Alberta or elsewhere. The fact they are using intensive rotational grazing adds to the reasons to support this newly established farm business.

Love Grows Wild ranch hamburger package

Capturing-carbon with intensive short duration grazing (then a long rest) is the most cost effective way to pull carbon from the air. Some research shows you can even super-charge this process by adding composted animal manure to rangeland. Researchers have calculated that if intensive rotational grazing was adopted by all global livestock operators, it would off-set carbon emission from transportation.

In talking with this farm couple at the farmer’s market, they confirmed the positive effect this intensive grazing has on worn out fields. This is tremendous news that hardly anyone is aware of and the big machine carbon capture programs get all the attention.

Recently I learned they bring in a large amount of certified organic grain to feed overwinter and mix with feeding the grass they have in bales. These people are a good combination of farm kids with secondary training in agriculture. They think about what they are doing as well as follow what they learned from their parents, growing up on ranches. They also spent time working on other big cattle operations before going out on their own.