City Carbon

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    • #2986
      Robert Dixon

      Most people on the planet live in cities. The CITY of Calgary uses a lot of energy and emits a lot of carbon (see Sustainable Calgary 2021 State of our City report). At the same time, the Calgary PARKS wants to add nature and biodiversity to city streets. Is there any way that people could help with this?

    • #3091
      Robert Dixon

      Calgary is the most unsustainable city in Canada and 5th in emissions out of 50 cities in the world. what started out as the City of Trees in 1907 has now become the capital of urban sprawl in Canada, with the largest area in it’s boundaries. Tree canopy in a city has huge benefits to the people on the street, to businesses along the way and to urban quality of life. Calgary aspires to 16% tree cover but is currently stuck around 8%. Where we live is an older area with around 50% tree cover. The sprawl neighbourhoods along the south have as little as 3%.
      We love being in Calgary and Alberta and have lives all over the place including Vancouver, Toronto, New York City.
      Just because things are nice here does not mean ignoring the areas that could be improved.
      Are there ways to bring green biodiversity to concrete and asphalt city streets?

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