Eating and Carbon Capture

Home FORUMS Capturing Carbon Daily Eating and Carbon Capture

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    • #2984
      Robert Dixon

      How can eating influence carbon capture? In Canada, food production is 11% of greenhouse gas GHG emissions. Biological cattle are carbon negative and absorb more carbon than they emit. If you eat meat, ask your supermarket to bring in grass finished on rotational pastures beef. It is more nutrient dense too. Are there other ways that the food we buy weekly can be used to capture carbon?

    • #3092
      Robert Dixon

      We buy our meat from the Hillhurst Farmer’s Market, directly from a young ranch couple. they are very knowledgeable about capturing carbon with their grassland management practices. The meat has an excellent taste and it is great knowing how their actions are taking carbon from the air and using it in the soil, every year.
      We also buy garlic from a young urban farmer who does not cultivate (very rare) and uses manure to add fertility to their soil.
      If all food producers used the same practices as these two young food producers, we could make a big dent in carbon emissions while at the same time taking massive amounts of carbon from the air each year to be used underground in soil based processes.
      Our society has not even begun to understand how powerful carbon capture and healthy eating could be.
      Do you buy food that is produced while capturing carbon?

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