Organic System Plan FORMS

Transition to organic for farmers is slow and difficult. There are a lot of new things to learn.
Farmers have to use different farming practices; there are different materials to use and complicated record forms are required.

After 25 years of working, part time, as an advanced organic inspector,
I decided to create some web based tools designed for busy adult learners (farmers).

Organic certification requires detailed records. Farm business management also relies on detailed records.
We try to focus on where the two systems overlap:

Pro Cert Initial FARM
The initial application for organic certification; also called the organic system plan (OSP),
is a legal contract and a statement of fact about your farming operations.
The organic inspector verifies these facts during the inspection visit.

A vital document that records the last date any prohibited materials were used, for every field on the farm.
It also records 5 years of crop rotation history and materials used.

Chronological Log – a daily journal of farming activities and key actions
e.g. planting, tillage, getting seedlings (more detailed than notes on a calendar);
a summary is submitted during the inspection visit.

FARM MAP – This key document that, along with the Land Use History;
starts the audit trail (traceability) for your farm . Everything can be traced back to a particular field for each year.
Traceability, as demonstrated through the audit trail records, is a big part of why consumers have confidence
in the organic certification process.

Annual Field Record Sheets eg. planting – harvest – storage – sales;
by Crop and by Field (build an audit trail for traceability)

The key documents listed above are the foundation of a good audit trail and also useful management tools.
We are dedicated to making organic certification more efficient, less frustrating and more useful to farmers.