Help Yourself

Each day you help yourself with the daily servings you eat. These small decisions either build your health or help tear it down. In your sixties, these small daily choices either give you a healthy body or your health breaks down.

Help yourself today by getting the daily servings you need. Here is an image that summarizes the latest research on food groups and relative amounts:

Studies by the BC chapter of the Dieticians of Canada, found most families did not spend enough on food to get the recommended daily servings needed to support health ($700. spent monthly versus over $800. needed to get recommended daily servings).

When family health suffers, Canada loses out as a nation. A 2017 study by the Vanier Institute of the Family showed it was costing Canadian society over $ 4. billion every year when people did not eat their minimum needed vegetable and fruit servings. How can we improve things? What is needed for Canadians to help themselves?

We always think about solving problems from the top down – What Is The Government Going To Do? To help ourselves we must start at our own kitchen tables. We need to ask what we are eating every day and where we buy it from every week. How can one person or family or community make a difference?

Every small action accumulates for a total effect. Each small mouthful of empty calories can lead to excess fat and poor health. One mouthful of nutrient dense food after another can lead to balanced weight and improved health. Tiny little actions build up to significant results.

How do you help yourself? Decide to look at what you eat. Don’t do anything except observe whether you are getting your 6 a day organic BC grown vegetables and fruits. Are you getting the basic ration needed to help yourself with healthy eating?